The White Sheik was an amazing movie....and surprisingly funny. This movie made me understand why Fellini liked the "communal" film definitely would not have been as funny had I not been with everyone.
Question: So, why did Wanda just keep going with the strangers? She must have had some strange yearning for something she couldn't have, or else she was simply curious.
I now see what the movie we saw in class was saying....Fellini never has normal characters in his movies. Wanda: total nutcase. Her husband: doubly concerned about his family's good name.
When Wanda first came on screen, I honestly thought she was slightly special. She hardly answered her husband's questions, and all she did was stare out the window. I didn't know if she was not-so-smart or if she was simply nervous from waiting to meet the relatives. However, she definitely had her mind elsewhere I guess. She was enraptured with someone who was, quite honestly, a chubby loser. Her husband was a much better catch.
The image most stuck in my head from this film was when Wanda was attempting to leave her husband and kill herself. The hilarity balanced out the sincerity of the moment, such as the hotel manager writing down her "last words." The best shot of the entire movie is when Wanda goes down to the river to kill herself, and she keeps almost doing it and stopping, then finally she plunges and the water is only an inch deep. Talk about comic relief. The dramatic acting of Wanda and the music make us wonder if she's going to do it, only to end up laughing.
mike has a very good point when he says that the schedual of a marriage was probably too much for Wanda to handle and she wanted to have a littl excitement before she jumps into a routine marriage. This is clearly what drives her to sneak out of the hotel to meet this fantasy.
Wanda was definately a total nutcase. Why didn't she shut off the bathtub water before she left?
I think that after she she leaves she begins to realize that her fantasy was not all she thought it would be.
I think stuff like her willingness to sneak off on the honeymoon and her leaving the bath on are worth considering, but for the most part, not meant to be taken too seriously. concentrating on how the characters change and their reactions to events is what seems to be most rewarding
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